
Free Bodyweight Training Program Reveals Unique Bodyweight Exercises in “Bodyweight Torch”

Publicado: 2013-01-23

Bodyweight Torch

Mike Whitfield, who has lost an amazing 105 pounds, reveals a revolutionary new bodyweight program called, “Bodyweight Torch” that uses new and unique bodyweight exercises and more. “This is the most exciting bodyweight program I’ve ever put together for anyone who wants to lose weight but doesn’t have access to any equipment,” said Whitfield.

Bodyweight Torch, a brand new 4-day-per-week program that utilizes a variety of advanced bodyweight exercises and bodyweight conditioning, was just launched to Whitfield’s subscribers as a thank-you for being a reader of his website.

He went on to say, “I wanted to give something back and I knew that a full bodyweight workout would be perfect so that anyone can use them, even when they are traveling or don’t have the time to make it to their gym. This bodyweight workout routine uses a variety of innovative exercises and techniques that everyone will benefit from. People will be surprised at how well they can work up a sweat through the bodyweight cardio exercises without having to step foot on a treadmill or elliptical. This bodyweight routine is a lot of fun and people will love the unique bodyweight exercises compared to the same old pushups and sit-ups. But more importantly, anyone who uses this program will learn how to lose weight using just bodyweight exercises.”

The free 4-week bodyweight workout program can be downloaded here at http://www.bodyweighttorch.com.

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This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.prweb.com/releases/bodyweight-exercises/bodyweighttrainingprogram/prweb10291300.htm

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